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Your Sagrada Familia Dress Code Questions Answered

Your Sagrada Familia Dress Code Questions Answered

Everyone know that there is a Sagrada Familia Dress Code being a religious site for the Catholic religion. And a lot of people worry about breaking La Sagrada Familia dress code rules when visiting. In this guide we aim to demystify the rules over what to wear to the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona by asking your most frequently asked Sagrada Familia outfit questions and giving you some outfit inspiration.

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FAQS About The Sagrada Familia Dress Code

Sagrada Familia In Barcelona
Is there a Sagrada Familia Dress Code

The Basilica de la Sagrada Familia or the Basilica of the Holy Family  as it is otherwise unknown is a still under construction church in Barcelona. Designed by the architect Antone Gaudi it is on top of many people’s Barcelona bucket lists.

However as a religious site following the Catholic religion there are requirements about what to wear to the Sagrada Familia.

Is there a dress code to get into La Sagrada Familia?

Yes there is a dress code to get into La Sagrada Familia. Anyone who doesn’t adhere to the dress code may not be granted entry into the La Sagrada Familia buildings.

In the La Sagrada Familia confines there is the actual temple itself which being a religious Catholic building has a strict dress code. However there is also the Gaudi House Museum. This is not so strict in their dress codes however there are restrictions on clothes that may cause offence or be worn for marketing purposes.

What is the Sagrada Familia dress code?

The Sagrada Familia Dress Code tells you what parts of your body can or can’t be uncovered and gives advice on what items to leave off your Sagrada Familia packing list. 

Generally speaking the following areas should always be covered:

  • Shoulders 
  • Knees. 

Therefore when putting together your Sagrada Familia Outfit your should avoid wearing 

  • Sleevelesss Tops this is applicable to both men and women
  • Mini Skirts
  • Shorts that reveal knees.

And if as a woman you decide to wear a dress, which is my usual go to for visiting the Sagrada Familia be sure to make sure there isn’t a slit that reveals your knee or thigh.

Swimwear and see through clothing are also not permitted in the Sagrada familia as well as clothes that are being worn for marketing purposes or for celebrations.

Also hats are seen as disrespectful and should be removed as soon as you enter the buildings of the Sagrada Familia however they are fine when in the queue. 

It is also worth noting that the Sagrada Familia Dress Code applies to both men and women. For some people people seem to think dress codes usually only apply to women but this definitely isn’t true. 

Also it is respectful and prudent to also avoid wearing t-shirts with graphics or slogans that would be offensive to the holy place you are in as you can be denied entry if you are wearing something that is not in keeping with the buildings holiness.

Where does the Sagrada Familia Dress Code Apply?

Now you know what the Sagrada Familia Dress code is the next thing to examine is where the Sagrada Familia dress code applies. 

The Sagrada Familia can be said to comprise of the

  • the temple building and
  • Gaudi House Museum

As you would expect the dress code is much stricter in the temple building than in the museum.

How strict is the dress code at the Sagrada Familia?

Woman in front of Sagrada Familia
What to wear to Sagrada Familia Dress Code

If you are wondering how strict the dress code is at the Sagrada Familia the answer is it is very strict and it will be enforced. 

I have actually seen people be turned away because they are not wearing appropriate attire. Therefore be sure that you adhere to all the dress code rules otherwise your day at this impressive building may be ruined. 

If you do forget something you will find some shops in the vicinity of the church where it is possible to purchase shawls however I would not recommend leaving this to chance in case you can’t find anything suitable and it will be an added expense on your trip.

Can I wear leggings to the Sagrada Familia?

Yes you can wear leggings to the Sagrada Familia as they cover the whole of your leg, importantly the knee being covered. 

However personally I prefer not to wear anything too clingy such as leggings when I go to the Sagrada Familia as it is advised not to wear tight clothing into the church.

Can you wear jeans to the Sagrada Familia?

In answer to can you wear jeans to the Sagrada Familia is yes you certainly can. Jeans that cover your knees and aren’t too low rise meet the Sagrada Familia Dress code rules. 

However I personally wouldn’t wear jeans in the Sagrada Familia especially if you are visiting Barcelona during the Summer or shoulder seasons because of the heat.

Barcelona gets seriously hot and you will be doing a lot of walking so jeans aren’t a practical item.

However if you are visiting Barcelona in Winter then actually jeans are a great thing to add to your Barcelona Packing List.

Also although we have said that you can wear jeans to the Sagrada Familia it is worth looking at some specific jean styles such as ripped jeans and skinny jeans as these might not be allowed. Keep reading for more information

Can you wear ripped jeans to Sagrada Familia?

Whether or not you can wear ripped jeans to the VaticSagrada Familiaan largely depends on where the rips are.

If you have rips that expose your knees or your thighs then these will obviously not be allowed as it will break the number one Sagrada Familia City dress code rules about covering the knees 

I personally would strongly advise against wearing ripped jeans into the Sagrada Familia in all cases.

Can you wear skinny jeans to the Sagrada Familia?

Whether or not you can wear skinny jeans to the Sagrada Familia is a bit of a grey area. I have read the Sagrada Familia Dress code rules thoroughly and can’t specifically find a mention of them or the policy on tight fitting or skinny clothes. 

However I would personally advise against wearing skinny jeans at the Sagrada Familia firstly because of the heat but also to ensure that you are respectful and are allowed admission. 

On the whole I would always recommend being more conservative in your attire whatever religious site you are at around the world.

Can you wear a skirt with a slit to the Sagrada Familia??

While you can wear a skirt to the Sagrada Familia I would advise against wearing a skirt with a slit. A long Maxi skirt that adheres to the dress code it can soon be on the what not to wear to the Sagrada Familia list if there is a slit that could reveal the knee. 

To be safe we recommend not wearing any skirts with slits in so there is no doubt to if you are adhering to the Sagrada Familia dress code.

Do you have to wear pants to the Sagrada Familia? Do you have to wear trousers in the Sagrada Familia?

Pants are not the only type of bottoms you have to wear in the Sagrada Familia. And I am meaning pants in the American sense not the British underwear sense which are a definite must. 

You do not have to wear trousers or pants specifically as long as you have something on your bottom half that covers your knees. 

Personally when I visit the Sagrada Familia I usually wear either a long flowing dress or a Maxi dress. Just be careful that there is no slit in your outfit that reveals your knees.

Do your knees need to be covered at the Sagrada Familia?

Absolutely your knees need to be constantly covered at the Sagrada Familia. This rule applies to both men and women.

For this reason a lot of men choose to wear trousers to the Sagrada Familia and a lot of women chose to wear pants or a long skirt or dress that does not have a slit that reveals their legs.

Do you have to cover your head in the Sagrada Familia? Can I wear a hat in the Sagrada Familia?

One of the most common concerns when dressing for the Sagrada Familia is regarding head coverings but the truth is you do not need to cover your head inside of the Sagrada Familia. In fact hats need to be removed when entering the Sagrada Familia.

The only exceptions to this are if you need to wear a hat for medical or religious reasons.

Can I wear sandals to the Sagrada Familia?

Yes both men and women can wear sandals to the Sagrada Familia. I would just advise picking a pair that had good arch support and something that would be good to do lots of walking in.

Can you wear flip flops in the Sagrada Familia?

There are no specific rules against wearing flip flops in the Sagrada Familia however we wouldn’t advise it especially if you plan to climb the towers at the Sagrada Familia.

Can I wear sneakers to Sagrada Familia?

There are no real rules when it comes to what footwear you can wear in the Sagrada Familia therefore it is absolutely fine to wear sneakers to the Sagrada Familia. 

Can you wear heels to the Sagrada Familia?

You can wear heels to the Sagrada Familia as there are no rules in the Sagrada Familia dress code pertaining to footwear.

However having said this we strongly advise NOT wearing heels in the Sagrada Familia – in fact we heels are in our what not to wear in Barcelona list.

There is lots of walking involved in the interior of the Sagrada Familia especially if you are heading p the Sagrada Familia towers. 

For more information on what to shoes to wear in Barcelona for different seasons check out our monthly guides:

Can you bring a purse to the Sagrada Familia?

You can bring a purse to the Sagrada Familia museums but there are restrictions relating to the size that are allowed. 

Bags that go into the Vatican must not be larger than 40cm x 35 cm x 15cm (15.7 inches by 13.7 inches x 6 inches). 

Anything larger than this will have to be checked on entrance to the museums.

What to wear in Sagrada Familia

Woman in front of Sagrada Familia Barcelona
Woman in front of Sagrada Familia Barcelona

For women visiting Sagrada Familia, then I advise wearing maxi dresses or maxi skirts and blouses as this will guarantee that your elbows and knees are covered.

However if you are visiting Barcelona in Winter and wondering what to wear to the Sagrada Familia then I would advise jeans and a long sleeve blouse coupled with a jacket.

For men on the overhand I recommend wearing jeans or light weight trousers if you are visiting in Summer and pairing it with a t shirt or shirt with the addition of a jacket in Winter.

Do you have any other questions about what to wear to Sagrada Familia?Then leave us a comment below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.